Monday 30 November 2020

Step It Up | Art Challenge

LI: To make a description on the art we have coloured


My base colour for the waves were blue and white to show the emotion of calmness. I made the background a crusty white and light brown blank colour to show it is calm and bland, I used only 3 colours to show the painting is not rushed. I used both dark and light colours to show that the mood changes depending on the time of the day.

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Art Colouring Book

LI: To experiment with colours

This morning Room 5 and LS2 tried one of this years Summer Learning Journey activity called Art Colouring Book. The purpose of this task was to experiment with colour from the original palette with pop colours. This allowed us to recolour famous paintings or images of landmarks around the world. Me and my partner Daniel started with colouring a simple picture full of shapes then proceeded to move on to the famous japan landmark, The Wave of Kanagawa.

Monday 23 November 2020

Te Whanau Raukura Performance

Te Whanau Raukura Performance

The Te Whanau Raukura Kapa Haka group who perform at the Auckland Museum came to our school PBS to perform their group dances and songs. They used Taiaha, Poi Poi and Te Rakau to explain the meaning behind the elements of the Maori culture. The first object, Taiaha is used by men to defend themselves or fight. It is a long sword shaped object with a face doing the pukana to intimidate their enemy and represent the warrior way. The second object is the Poi Poi, back in the day it was used to exercise and support their wrists to improve fighting techniques. Now it is used for dancing. The last and final object is the Te Rakau, it supports and exercises the arm joints. After their performance Becca came to our classroom and taught us how to play pukana. The objective of this game is to trick the others to thinking you did the pukana to them. The actions are, pukana, ohwe and he. You can only do the pukana to the person next to you but the ohwe to people across the room. When someone does an ohwe to you you must say he and lift ur fists up. My favourite part was when we got to watch the group do their haka.

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Provocation: Should masks be compulsory on NZ public transport

 LI: To identify and consider the two perspectives of this provocation to help me form an opinion.


A provocation is an action or speech that triggers strong feelings about a topic. Today we considered both sides of the provocation, ‘Should masks be compulsory on NZ public transport?’ We then used that information to help us form an opinion that we could justify with evidence. I personally think that we should make masks mandatory as it keeps us safe and with prevent another lock down happening.

Thursday 12 November 2020

Weighty Challenge

 LI: To learn about weights


This week for maths we have been learning about weight measurements. Me and my group M.A.D.S have created a slideshow to present how we figured out questions about measurement. My favourite thing about this activity was that we could see how big the lasagna in the question was.

Crimean War

LI: To learn about the charge of the light brigade

In groups of three we created a DLO about Crimean War, we mostly focused on "The Charge of the Light Brigade". We learnt about when the Crimean war took place, where it was fought. The war was fought in Crimea, Peninsula, Russia. The charge of the light brigade was a task force that followed out a false order that lead them to their death. We also used the poem made by Alfred Lord Tennyson to give us a visualization of what might of happened. The story made by Alfred Lord Tennyson is about how the light brigade was ambushed by Russian soldiers. I found interesting they used horses as transport.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot

 LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about


To understand why we celebrate Guy Fawkes each year LS2 buddies up with the juniors. We recorded all the important words from the story Mrs Anderson shared with us on a piece of paper. We then chose the 20 most important words and from those words chose 6 words to help us write our summary. The embed above is what Aarush, Aaliyah and I created.