Thursday 25 February 2021

Kapa Haka Trip

LI: To learn the teachings of our tupuna (ancestors) and the history of New Zealand's native people and their land.

The LS2 boys were invited to learn about the Maori weaponry and the history of Maori. First we met in the hall to watch a movie that introduced us to the Auckland Museum and inform us about the rules. . When we got to the Auckland Museum Ngarimu and Kingi started a quiz, we had to find two longs weapons, two short weapons, the name of the mountain the museum stands on, name of the museum in Maori and the three different art forms that were used to design/create the whare. We looked around the museum to learn about the history of Maori. After that we had 30 minutes to search for the answers to the quiz. After these 30 minutes we had lunch then went to learn how to do the ka mate haka along with the taiaha. We learnt 7 different Taiaha moves.


Q. Name of the mountain the museum stands on
A. Pukekawa

Q. The Auckland Museum's name in Maori
A. Tāmaki Paenga Hira

Q. Two Long Weapons
A. Tewhatewha & Taiaha

Q. Two Short Weapons
A. Mere & Patiti

Q. Name of the three different art forms
A. Kowhaiwhai, Tokotoko & Whakaaro

Q. Name of the 1800 waka taua
Te Toki-a-Tāpiri

Q. Name of the Maori war god that was carved on the front of the waka taua
A. Tūmatauenga

Q. Name of the Maori war god that was carved on the back of the waka taua
A. Tāne-mahuta

Thursday 18 February 2021

Cybersmart (Activity 2)


This year Manaiakalani has set cybersmart challenges for us, and we have to complete them each day. The first activities for today were learning about the Kawa of Care 1 and 2, and the last activity was to take a picture of ourselves. The first two activities were a fill in the sentence activities relating to keeping our chromebooks safe and the last one was to simply take a photo of ourselves. 

Cybersmart (Activity 1)


This year Manaiakalani has set cybersmart challenges for us, and we have to complete them each day. The first activities for today were learning about the Kawa of Care 1 and 2, and the last activity was to take a picture of ourselves. The first two activities were a fill in the sentence activities relating to keeping our chromebooks safe and the last one was to simply take a photo of ourselves. 


LI: To unpack what a leader looks like


We unpacked the meaning of leadership and what it takes to be a leader. We wrote down the meaning of 4 different words team, leadership, role model, and responsibility which are all good qualities to have as a leader. We listed as many words as possible linked to leadership. Using these words we created a 25 word summary explaining what a leader is. After this we made a collaborative DLO explaining all the subjects we learnt in the session. 


LI: Why is it important to be Hydrated

This week LS2 learnt about why we need to be hydrated, and the outcome of being dehydrated. We then created a DLO about the attributes of hydration and the consequences of dehydration, and we also added the definitions of hydration and dehydration. Hydration is the process of feeding your body water, and dehydration is when your body isn’t supplied with enough water. We compared those two definitions in a T chart.

LS2 Age Graph

 LI: To plan & carry out statistical investigations


For our activity we had to create a graph on a topic. Leon and I went around our class to find 15 different people. We asked them how old they were. The results were that there were 2 people out of 15 were 10, 7 people out of 15 were 11 and 6 people out of 15 were 12.
After gathering out data were created. We used a pie chart to find our results. We noticed that almost half of some of the LS2 students are 11, 12 was the second at 40%! We had 2 student that were 10 which was the least amount. Me and Leon predicted that most of the students were 11 which was correct!

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Te Tiriti o Waitangi Summary

LI: To learn in fewer words what the text is about

Te Tiriti o Waitangi is a settlement between the Maori and British. This settlement happened when Captain Cook arrived and told the British Empire about New Zealand. When the Britain arrived to New Zealand they had planned to add New Zealand to their empire. The New Zealand chiefs weren't so eager but since they needed protection from the pakeha they agreed to a treaty that would guarantee protection and peace.