Tuesday 17 August 2021


LI: To learn about water safety

For the past 3 weeks PBS have been attending swimming lessons at the Panmure Pools. This is a completly free opportunity for the students to learn how to be safe in the water. LS2 have been taking lessons with 2 different instructors, James and Shantee. James's group was all about how to float on the water, swimming strategies and strategies to get in the pool. We would swim in freestyle, dolphin and backstroke. Shantee's group on the other hand was about trying to swim faster in different styles and just getting better in general. The sessions are going to go for the whole of term 3.

Tech - Painting

 LI: To learn how to make shades and mix colours

This week for tech instead of coding we were learning how to make shades of a colour and make new colours by mixing! I really enjoyed doing this because its something new and I like creating art. We had 3 different colours to start with, red, blue, and green. We also got a little bit of black and white. First of all we got little pieces of cardboard paper and cut them into smaller pieces to paint on. We then got the colours and painted on the pieces with some of the possible colour outcomes. We then added some white and black to make the colours lighter or darker. When we got enough colours we sticked them onto a bigger piece of paper in a circle to present the colour mixes.

Monday 16 August 2021

Hauora Poster

LI: To create a poster on canva to show what hauora is

Our objective for this task was to make a Hauora poster based off what we know of athletes. We wrote what we might think an Olympic athlete would use the four areas of Hauora in their training or during the Olympics. Hauora is the four walls of our well-being. They are our physical, mental, spiritual and family well-being. I enjoyed this task because I was able to look at Hauora through an athletes eyes and see Hauora from an athletes perspective.

Ancient Greek Olympics

LI: To give a presentation on the Ancient Greek Olympics

Last week, LS2 gave presentations to the class about what we know on the Ancient Greek Olympics. For this task, my group used Prezi to present and recorded a Screencastify to present to the class. Prezi is a good way to keep your audience entertained by animating the different areas of your slideshow.

We talked about what the Ancient Greek Olympics was and what took place on the five days of the Olympics. We also gave 5 fun facts about the Ancient Olympics.

I enjoyed this because it was fun to present and learn about the Ancient Greek Olympics as well. One fun fact that I learnt about the Ancient Greek Olympics was that one athlete trained by lifting a bull calf everyday until it was a full grown bull.


LI: To research Aretha Franklin's song RESPECT


Aretha Franklin was an american song-writer, she is regarded as the most influentual female vocalist of the 1960s. Her signature song is 'Respect', its peaked at #1 on Billboard's Hot 100 on June 3 1967. Her full name is Aretha Louise Franklin. The song was put in the album 'A Brand New Me', and in the genre R&B/Soul.

Monday 9 August 2021

Hauora - Olympics

LI: To show our understanding of Hauora in context.

Athletes at the top of their field train both physically and mentally because it is both the body and the mind that need to be healthy to have balance as an athlete. It is important to enjoy and celebrate the results of what hard work has led to since it might be a one time opportunity. Olympic athletes that have earned a medal should be proud of themselves, and olympians that have unfortunately lost should be grateful for the opportunity.

Friday 6 August 2021

Tech | Flow Chart

 LI: To see and understand the connection between the written code, the block code and the flow chart

This week for tech after we warmed up using the dice tutorial we created a dice flow chart that has all of the possibilities of the dice. The dice could display a number from 1 to 6. After this we compared the mblock and python code to the flowchart through a DLO, I worked with Lukah to create this.

Tech | Coding in python

LI: To code a dice for kittenbot using python 

This week for tech we warmed up with the dice python tutorial. Whilst doing this we made our kittenbot display a number from 1 to 6. After this we compared the mblock code and the python code both used in this session through a DLO created by me and lukah.

Thursday 5 August 2021

Olympics Challenge 3

 LI: To find the most efficient strategy

Since the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are going on at the moment LS2 are doing maths tasks related to the Olympics. For this olympic challenge we had to find out how many right angles were on a olympic badminton racket. Our clue was that there were 250 squares on the racket. The strategy that we used was multiplication. When we finished our DLO we made a screencastify explaining our strategy. 

Wednesday 4 August 2021


LI: To practice mindfulness

Today, we focused on mindfulness and having a peaceful mental well-being. Sometimes, our mind isn’t concentrating well and is doing something called ‘mind wandering’. We calmed ourselves down by using the Pause, Breathe and Smile method.

Mindfulness is calming your body and your mind, focusing on your mental health, focusing on what’s happening right now, removing the negativity from your mind and being mindful of yourself and others. Mindfulness is a way to balance the 4 pillars of your hauora.

Often in a frustrating situation, our mind enters the red zone. The red zone is when we feel angry, anxious, frustrated, irritable, stressed, overly excited, worried, distracted or any other negative emotion that we usually cannot control. We use a mindfulness technique which helps us to be calm, clear, content, balanced, peaceful, relaxed, curious and engaged in what we are doing.

The mindfulness bell is used to clear our mind of any negativity in your mind. The bell is treated like a Taonga because it is a delicate and traditional piece of peacefulness.

This session of mindfulness was helpful because it can help yourself and others become calm in stressful situations as well as focus on what is happening right now and being aware of your emotions.

Olympics Challenge 2

 LI: To find the most efficient strategy

Since the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are going on at the moment LS2 are doing maths tasks related to the Olympics. This task was about the difference between the bronze, silver and gold medal winner scores. My strategy was to add 00.001 on to the silver medal winner score as the gold winner won by 00.001 point!

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Olympics Challenge 1

LI: To find the most efficient strategy


Since the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are going on at the moment LS2 are doing maths tasks related to the Olympics. This task was about Michael Phelps, he is a competitive Olympian that attends swimming. Every stroke he takes moves him 2 meters, he competed in 8 seperate events during the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. All of the races add up to 1.5km, since every stroke takes him 2 meters, you'll have to divide the total by 2 which results in 750.

Friday 30 July 2021

Y Chart

LI: To research about Violet Walrond


This week for reading we were learning about Violet Walrond and how she became a New Zealand competitive swimmer attending the Olympics. Her coach was her dad, he supported her through out the whole journey.

Friday 9 July 2021


LI: To code the mBot to move in a star for Matariki

This week for tech Mrs Ferguson challenged the year 8s to code the mBots to move in a star shape for the Matariki celebration. Above is a photo of the code i used to create a perfect star shape. Because the star wasnt perfectly drawn the coding wasnt as easy as doing one step and putting it on repeat, you have to adjust to the drawing. I found this interesting because I found it challenging as it was complicated. This was a fun task because I liked making iterations.

Thursday 8 July 2021

Matariki Brochure

LI: To create a brochure that explains what Matariki is.



This week for Matariki we created Matariki Brochures. The inside brochure shows the trandition and the clothing of Matariki. The photo in the middle shows Papatuanuku, the grandmother of the 6 sisters. A fun fact, Ururangi likes to race her sister to Papatuanuku and wrap her arms around herself. The outside brochure shows facts about the Matariki stars. It also explains about the Matariki celebration. A fun fact about Matariki is that it will get its public holiday on June 24th 2022. I found this activity fun because the facts I found were very interesting. I was also surprised because the public holiday announcment. 

Matariki Stars

LI: To make a DLO that shows where the stars are located.


To continue our learning with Matariki we drew the Matariki stars, and labeled each of them. This activity helped us identify each star, and learn each of the names to strengthen our connections to not only Matariki but the culture and celebration. It was really fun doing this as this was an art based activity. We were able to edit these stars and it was very fun doing. 

Matariki Stars

LI: To strengthen our connections to Matariki


Matariki is the Maori new year celebration. It takes places each year when the cluster of stars known as Matariki are seen in our skies. The new year is a time for new beginnings and is a time to embrace tradition. To strengthen our connections to Matariki we had a choice of research activities. I found out this fun because we got to work with our friends, I also enjoyed this because I had prior knowledge because we did some of these activities last year.

Friday 2 July 2021


LI: To create a poem about an abstract noun

Me and my partner Oscar created a DLO to present abstract nouns, we were practicing to make poems! Abstract nouns are nouns you can feel but can’t physically feel. see, smell, taste, hear and feel. Our poem had to include the 5 senses wich compose of touch, sight, feel, smell, see. We also included feel. A metaphor is comparing two things without using the words 'like' or 'as'. I enjoyed this activity because I got to be creative with my words and work with my a friend.

Coding with Python

LI: To learn how to code in Python

This week for tech we were learning how to code in Python! This was very interesting because unlike the blocks where they were already set up we had to write down the code. I personally like this more than the blocks because it was more challenging. The task was to create flashing hearts to display on the kittenbots.

Friday 18 June 2021

Flowcharts and Dice

 LI: To learn how to use flowcharts to plan coding            

For Tech this week we were continuing our learning with Coding with Mrs Ferguson at Tamaki College. This week we were learning about Flowcharts, and were making a flowchart on how to code a digital dice. We learnt about how each shape represented a function and that all of them together could make such a sophisticated digital function. 

Friday 11 June 2021

LS2 Expectations

LI: To understand the expectations set for us as the role models of the school.

Our topic for PB4L this week was focused around the expectations and rules set for us, and we should know how to understand and carry them out because we are the role models of the school. As a class, we talked about the expectations of a wet day monitor, the common rules inside of the classroom and what is expected from the teachers.

Some students showed us an example of how we can show respect in other classrooms as well as our own. They roleplayed an example of what they should do if a class was acting up during a wet-day and including other students during a casual conversation. More topics that we talked about was the necessary noise volume in different situations.

I found this lesson interesting but easy to understand because I am familiar with respecting the classroom rules and following expectations to a high standard.

Thursday 10 June 2021

Book Week Celebration 2021

LI: To celebrate our book week

This week PBS celebrated book week, we did this by completing tasks related to reading and books. On friday PBS attended the book week assembly, this was an interesting assembly as this is my first book week, I was one of the cameramen for the assembly.

Friday 4 June 2021

Te Reo Maori Fruits

LI: To learn about the language Te Reo Maori

This week for Te Reo Maori we learnt about the different fruits that came from NZ and how to pronounce some fruits in Te Reo Maori. We also made a DLO that answers 3 questions in Te Reo Maori, I worked with Lukah, Chris, Vayan to create the DLO above.

Learning to be a Jedi with the robots

LI: To code the mbot to move backwards without touching it - to be a jedi

My robot will wait till I have pressed the onboard button before it does anything. We used an "IF - THEN - ELSE" block, as this gives the robot two choices of things to do. We are using the ULTRASONIC SENSOR on the front of the robot to sense if anything is in its way, the green block is the CM block and it helps the bot sense items/anything in its way. I made it 100 to test how far it would go but the class did 10.
IF something is 10cm or LESS in front of the robot, it will move forwards (ELSE).
If something is NOT less that 10cm in front of the robot, it will move forwards (ELSE).
This is all put into a forever block so that the robot constantly senses what is in front of it.

Thursday 3 June 2021

Samoan Language Week

LI: To pay it forward by creating a screencastify that teaches others how to use Samoan words and phrases 



Link to the video

This week is Samoan Language Week - Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa. The theme for 2021 is Poupou le lotoifale. Ola manuia le anofale which means strengthen the posts of your house, for all to thrive. In LS2 we have decided to value the measina of the language by creating a screencastify that teaches others how to use Samoan words and phrases. My partner and I chose to pay it forward by showing others how to say the months of the year in Samoan. I found this challenge fun and interesting because I learnt something new.

Wednesday 2 June 2021

My Reading Pathway

LI: To show my personal journey through books


This week is book week at Panmure Bridge School, which means every class participates in a number of reading activities. One of our activities was to create a reading pathway that shows how my favourite books have changed over time. At the moment I like reading One Piece because I like the story line and the anime. Its about a boy who wants to be King of the Pirates. He goes on sailing and meets a swordsman who wants to be the best in the world.

Cinquain Poem

LI: To write a cinquain poem to describe a sports star

We have been learning to write cinquain poems to help us strengthen our connections to description. A cinquain poem has 5 lines. Each line has a different purpose. Line 1 is a noun which is a name. Line 2 has 2 adjectives taht describe the noun. Line 3 has 3 verbs that end in ‘ing’ and describe the actions. Line 4 is a noun phrase which is a group of words (not a sentence) that go together to describe the noun. Line 5 is a synonym which is a word with a similar meaning to the noun. I enjoyed this activity because I watch the UFC fights and Khabib is my favourite UFC fighter as he has never lost and is respectful.

PBS Brochure - C.A.R.E

 LI: To create a brochure advertising PBS

Outside Brochure


Inside Brochure


I created an inside and outside brochure to advertise Panmure Bridge School. I included the map and reviews about the school, information about the activities, photos of student experiences and communication ways.

PBS is a big environment so it can hold large amounts of people.

I focused on providing information that interest parents, which means it catches people’s interest and makes their children want to come here.

I enjoyed creating this brochure and being able to test my creativity with advertising and comprehension skills.

Polynesian Panthers

LI: To evaluate (form an opinion) the text and respond to the provocation


We read the article “Shameful stain on NZ’s history”, an article about New Zealand’s History on the racial discrimination on the Pasifika community. Our provocation was “Should the Government of today apologise for the dawn raids of yesterday?”. 

In order to respond to this provocation we needed to evaluate the text by looking deeply at both perspectives. A perspective is point of view, or the opinion of one side. When exploring both sides of this provocation, we formed our personal opinions based on the information we read, and the information we already knew. In our DLO we have shared our different perspectives and have made an informed collaborative response to the question we were asked. We all agree that an apology is owed. It is important that this happens. What we didn’t agree on was who should give the apology. Our current government was not the party who organised the dawn raids. The party who are historically responsible should be the ones to step up and show remorse.


LI: To learn what exponents are 


This term for maths we are learning how to do algebra. Exponents like to algebra as it is part of the BEDMAS acronym. Exponents are operations in maths, an exponent is a small number above a normal number that shows how you multiply the number. It is the second letter in the BEDMAS acronym.

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Pay it Forward - C.A.R.E

  LI: To pay it forward

For this careaward task I chose to pay it forward by teaching my friend Oscar how to do algebra. This works as my teacher Mrs Anderson taught me how to do algebra and I taught Oscar. Oscar also has a blogpost where he pays what i taught him to someone else.

Monday 31 May 2021

Tutor - C.A.R.E

 LI: To tutor someone who needs extra help with something

For this careaward task i chose to teach my friend Oscar how to do algebra. I explained to him how everything goes in the BEDMAS order. BEDMAS is Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition and subraction. I chose to do this as teaching Oscar how to do algebra will improve his mathematic skills.

Tech - C.A.R.E

 LI: To create a blogpost about an outside function

For my careaward task I chose tech for an outside function to represent PBS. This goes with the task as we are required to sensibly walk through Tamaki College, doing this means we get a good reputation amongst the manaikalani schools. Tech is a progam the LS2 kids do every friday to learn new things and improve their learning ways by going against competitive challenges. Tech also helps students get ready for highschool, the tech LS2 goes to is in Tamaki College.

Friday 28 May 2021

Sir Isaac Newton

LI: To learn about Sir Isaac Newton


This week in Reading, LS2 has been working towards Simple Machines. Apart of this, we were required to learn about Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton is a physicist, mathematician, theologian and a Astronomer. We were also required to create a DLO with the following questions: Why is his work important? What did he find out? How does his work connect to simple machines? I found this interesting because I havent been educated about Sir Isaac Newton. I found this fun because we made a presentation as a group.

Saturday 22 May 2021

Respected Leader - C.A.R.E

LI: To create a presentation on a respected leader


Above is a presentation I created on what a respected leader is, this is a task for the silver respect C.A.R.E award. Another example of a respected leader is our school leaders! Which are Lukah, Chris, Fau, Sulia, Afa and Liletina, they are all respected leaders who students look up to.

Friday 21 May 2021

Marc - C.A.R.E

LI: To create a blogpost on someone who has a positive attitude despite difficulties they have faced.

I am researching Marc, Marc is someone who never gives up and has faith in reading. Marc taught me and the rest of the school the importance of reading and how reading can make a big impact on your life. Although Marc had some challenges in his life he used reading as a tool to get through the hard times. Marc believes that there is only CANs and not CAN’Ts. I found the words Marc said interesting as I've never heard them before. 

Football Interschool - C.A.R.E


On wednesday some of the year 3s to 8s participated in the soccer inter school which was at Madills Farm. Panmure Bridge School entered 7 teams into the tournament. I was in the 1st LS2 team which was a team made of me, Oscar, Leon, Vayan, Chris, Lukah and Taua. I was the team captain.

Our first and most intense game was against Stonefields where we unfortunately lost 0 - 1. The second game we played was against Glenbrae which we tied. The third was against Sylvia, this is the game where everything turned around, we won 1 - 0. The fourth game we played was against Panmure District and we beat them 1 - 0. The final game was against LS2’s B team, another game we won, the score was 3 - 1.

This interschool competition was very fun for us as we had a great experience. A special thanks to Mr Ogilvie, Mr Pao and the other helpers.

Thursday 20 May 2021


LI: To learn how to getwise with money

Today our getwise instructor Marlon taught us how to be wise with money, we played a game were we had to see who could get the most fun points while on our trip to Fiji. The twist was that we were on a $1800 budget. In my group it was me, Chris, Lukah, Oscar and Vayan. Marlon taught us about credit cards, debt and insurance, he also gave us advice to be smart with money. He said its better to buy insurance as it covers any bills.

Monday 12 April 2021

Duffy Assembly

LI: To understand how reading can change one's life.

Today we had Marc from Duffy come and talk to us about the importance of reading and how reading can make a big impact on your life. Although Marc had some challenges in his life he used reading as a tool to get through the hard times. Marc believes that there is only CANs and not CAN’Ts. I found the words that Marc said interesting because I've never heard them before.

Key Competencies

LI: To compare the Key Competencies we think we will use on camp and the Key Competencies we actually used.

Before we went to camp our challenge was to think about when we might use the Key Competencies as we faced the challenges.  When we came back from camp we looked at this and compared how we thought we would use the Key Competencies and how we actually used them. I found this activity interesting because the goal was to complete the challenge after 

Friday 9 April 2021

The Qualities of a Good Leader

LI: To unpack what leadership looks like.


We unpacked the meaning of leadership and what it takes to be a leader. We wrote down the meaning of 4 different words team, leadership, role model, and responsibility which are all good qualities to have as a leader. We listed as many words as possible linked to leadership. Using these words we created a 25 word summary explaining what a leader is. After this we made a collaborative DLO explaining all the subjects we learnt in the session.

Nga Mihi/Te Reo Challenges

LI: To create a visual mihi that allows others to connect to us and our place in the world.


At this time of year when we are meeting new people we are still getting to know each other. One way we can do this is by sharing our mihi. This way others will know who we are and will be able to make connections to us and our place in the world. I found this activity interesting because I have never heard of a mihi before so i learnt something new.

Cultural Contributions

 LI: To explore the contributions other cultures made to New Zealand

One of the main reasons New Zealand is so unique is because there are a mix of cultures. The buildings are inspired from cultures, the foods are inspired by different cultures, the music, the art and other things are all branches of cultures. I found it quite hard to find facts because there are a lot of things a culture provides. I also enjoyed this task because it was an interesting topic to write about.

Thursday 8 April 2021

Camp Collage

LI: To create a collage of your camp highlights         


For this week we were celebrating camp we had last week. One of the DLOs to celebrate the camp was a photo collage of ourselves at the camp. The intention was to bring back memories for the future and an inspiration to the next year taking on camps activities. The photos i have are photos of me and my group.


 LI: To make a collaborative brochure that tells others why Kokako Lodge is a great place to go on camp




In our activity groups for camp, we created an inside and outside brochure to advertise Kokako Lodge. We included distance between Auckland to Kokako Lodge, information about the activities, photos of student experience, catering and cabins.

They provide free beds and have various activities to do and challenge yourself with. There are 6 cabins that hold up to 14 people, which is almost definitely capable of holding multiple crowds of people.

We focused on providing information that sells Kokako Lodge, which means it catches people’s interest and makes them want to stay there.

We enjoyed creating this brochure and being able to test our creativity with advertising and comprehension skills.

Kokako Infographic

LI: To create an infographic using google draw that tells your audience facts about the kokako.

For this week we are celebrating the camp we had last week. One of the DLOs we made to celebrate the camp was to make an Infographic about the Kokako Bird. Which the camp was named after. In the infographic we wrote about the Kokako Bird, such as the Kokako's dietary needs, habitat, appearance, and interesting facts about the bird. I found this activity fun because I didnt know such facts about the Kokako, this grabbed my interest!

5 minutes of Camp

 LI: To recount a 5 minute snapshot of one experience you had at camp


“Slosh” the water forcefully hit the rocks at the foot of the waterfall, the bridge made a stepping noise as we ran over it energetically. Taking after Mrs Lee into the dim forest. “Crunch” made the sound of the clears out as it smashed into thousands of pieces, we strolled on the track discreetly so we may listen the excellent chirps of the kokakos. Mrs Lee held up a leaf tall up within the sky, a dead hush striked through the forest. SWOOSH, a wood pigeon flew by attempting to grab the leaf off of Mrs Lee's hand forcefully, “Woah!” Everybody said, excitement surged through our bodies as the winged creature landed on a tall rimu tree. Everybody headed back to get the ingredients required to create a warm milo to relax our bodies. “SSSSSHHHHH” the gas made an irritating loud clamor as Mrs Lee turned it on with a flint & steel.

Last week we went to camp at Kokako Lodge. My 5 minute snapshot shows my personal voice and I have tried hard to paint a picture with my words to describe what I was doing and how I felt. I found this activity cool because I was able to recall and present what I felt at camp, and gave the audience a feel of what the experience I went through at Camp. 

Friday 26 March 2021

Tech Reflection

 LI: To learn how to work with wood and the tools

This week for tech we started off by Mr Grundy explaining what we do. Once I finished drawing my design i measured the wood to see if it would work out. After i measured my design and my wood I started cutting. The tools we needed are called, mallet, saw a chisel and a pencil.

Celebrating the Summer Learning Journey

LI: To celebrate the PBS SLJ Participants

PBS has won the SLJ top blogger in the country for the sixth time in a row! This years SLJ was really fun, there were a lot of Nano Girl challenges and experiments that we all enjoyed. The challenges set for us were interesting. Mrs Grant and Miss Paleti presented the prizes at the assembly. The three top prize winners were presented as, Te Raumati for third, Chisa for second and Sakshi who visited us from Auckland Grammar School. I hope Panmure Bridge School wins the next SLJ too.

Friday 12 March 2021

Tech Reflection Week 2

LI: To learn how to work with wood

This week for tech we were learning how to make plans. We used a ruler and a base wood block to measure and create the plan for the main wood work. My plan was based of a phone holder Mr Grundy made. I thought his idea was cool so i based my one of of his. 

Thursday 11 March 2021

PB4L - Bus

 LI: To explain to juniors how to behave on a bus


Today's challenge was to explain to juniors how they should be during and before bus rides using PB4L. PB4L stands for proper behaviour for learning. When explaining these things to children we had to make sure that we were being positive with our suggestions so that kids wouldn’t think we were being negative with them. This task was challenging as it made think about how to word myself positively.

Monday 8 March 2021

Ko wai ahau?

Hello, my name is Azatulah and I am a year 8 student in LS2. I really enjoy playing sports such as basketball, football and volleyball. One of my hobbies is playing basketball with my friends. I also enjoy reading manga and playing video games.

Thursday 25 February 2021

Kapa Haka Trip

LI: To learn the teachings of our tupuna (ancestors) and the history of New Zealand's native people and their land.

The LS2 boys were invited to learn about the Maori weaponry and the history of Maori. First we met in the hall to watch a movie that introduced us to the Auckland Museum and inform us about the rules. . When we got to the Auckland Museum Ngarimu and Kingi started a quiz, we had to find two longs weapons, two short weapons, the name of the mountain the museum stands on, name of the museum in Maori and the three different art forms that were used to design/create the whare. We looked around the museum to learn about the history of Maori. After that we had 30 minutes to search for the answers to the quiz. After these 30 minutes we had lunch then went to learn how to do the ka mate haka along with the taiaha. We learnt 7 different Taiaha moves.


Q. Name of the mountain the museum stands on
A. Pukekawa

Q. The Auckland Museum's name in Maori
A. Tāmaki Paenga Hira

Q. Two Long Weapons
A. Tewhatewha & Taiaha

Q. Two Short Weapons
A. Mere & Patiti

Q. Name of the three different art forms
A. Kowhaiwhai, Tokotoko & Whakaaro

Q. Name of the 1800 waka taua
Te Toki-a-Tāpiri

Q. Name of the Maori war god that was carved on the front of the waka taua
A. Tūmatauenga

Q. Name of the Maori war god that was carved on the back of the waka taua
A. Tāne-mahuta

Thursday 18 February 2021

Cybersmart (Activity 2)


This year Manaiakalani has set cybersmart challenges for us, and we have to complete them each day. The first activities for today were learning about the Kawa of Care 1 and 2, and the last activity was to take a picture of ourselves. The first two activities were a fill in the sentence activities relating to keeping our chromebooks safe and the last one was to simply take a photo of ourselves. 

Cybersmart (Activity 1)


This year Manaiakalani has set cybersmart challenges for us, and we have to complete them each day. The first activities for today were learning about the Kawa of Care 1 and 2, and the last activity was to take a picture of ourselves. The first two activities were a fill in the sentence activities relating to keeping our chromebooks safe and the last one was to simply take a photo of ourselves. 


LI: To unpack what a leader looks like


We unpacked the meaning of leadership and what it takes to be a leader. We wrote down the meaning of 4 different words team, leadership, role model, and responsibility which are all good qualities to have as a leader. We listed as many words as possible linked to leadership. Using these words we created a 25 word summary explaining what a leader is. After this we made a collaborative DLO explaining all the subjects we learnt in the session. 


LI: Why is it important to be Hydrated

This week LS2 learnt about why we need to be hydrated, and the outcome of being dehydrated. We then created a DLO about the attributes of hydration and the consequences of dehydration, and we also added the definitions of hydration and dehydration. Hydration is the process of feeding your body water, and dehydration is when your body isn’t supplied with enough water. We compared those two definitions in a T chart.

LS2 Age Graph

 LI: To plan & carry out statistical investigations


For our activity we had to create a graph on a topic. Leon and I went around our class to find 15 different people. We asked them how old they were. The results were that there were 2 people out of 15 were 10, 7 people out of 15 were 11 and 6 people out of 15 were 12.
After gathering out data were created. We used a pie chart to find our results. We noticed that almost half of some of the LS2 students are 11, 12 was the second at 40%! We had 2 student that were 10 which was the least amount. Me and Leon predicted that most of the students were 11 which was correct!

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Te Tiriti o Waitangi Summary

LI: To learn in fewer words what the text is about

Te Tiriti o Waitangi is a settlement between the Maori and British. This settlement happened when Captain Cook arrived and told the British Empire about New Zealand. When the Britain arrived to New Zealand they had planned to add New Zealand to their empire. The New Zealand chiefs weren't so eager but since they needed protection from the pakeha they agreed to a treaty that would guarantee protection and peace.