Friday 6 March 2020

Kiwi Can (Giving It A Go)

LI: Giving It A Go
This week's topic in kiwi can was ‘Giving It A Go’. It's about giving it a go, trying new things, and having a goal that you want to succeed. We played 3 different games. The first one was called ‘1v1’. We had to find a partner and then go back to back. Then when Miss Grace and Mr SeManu said go we had to turn around and do what he said before. The things they told us to do are, dramatic cry, dramatic faint, make a new dance move, catwalk, aliens, something scary, and the scariest Pukana you can possibly do. We then played ‘End Of The Road’. There were 2 lines, a boy line and a girl line. The first person in each line had to stand up and answer Miss Grace or Mr SeManu’s question. The first person to answer it correctly stays up and the other person sits down. Then the next person in the team stands up. The boys ended up winning, But everyone had fun!

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