Friday 6 March 2020

Kiwi Sport (Cricket)

We learned how to play cricket. Brian from HPPC taught us how to bowl,  how to bat, and how to field. He split us into 2 teams. One team had to practice bowling and the other had to bat and field. Brian put our team in 3 groups. On the bowling team you had to try and aim for the cones in front of the wickets. Whenever someone hits a cone they have to take the cone and put it on the wickets. First team to get all the cones wins. The second game was to hit the wickets. But when you hit the wicket you have to take a piece off. First team to hit all the wickets wins. On the bowling side there were also 3 groups. 1 person from each group had to bat 2 balls that were on the ground. When the batters hit the balls the fielders have to run and get the 2 balls and put it back where it was at the start. When the batter hits both balls they run to the cone behind them and go back as much as they can. After that we played a mini game where everyone has to be in a circle around Brian. He throws two balls to random people and whoever fails to catch it loses.

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