Monday, 29 June 2020

Career: Software Developer

LI: To explore a career that interests me

I took the Career Quest quiz to help me find a career that interests me. At the end the three options i chose were Software Developer, Penetration Tester and Veterinarian. This DLO shows all the information about the career, Software Developer.

Friday, 26 June 2020

Food Tech | Saagwala

LI: To follow a recipe to make saagwala

This week for food tech Mrs Heka taught the year 7s how to make saagwala. We worked in pairs or trios to make saagwala. Above is a DLO presenting how i made saagwala, it has the recipe and ingredients as well. We added the saagwala to the rice after it was cooked. We then cleaned up our kitchen and then ate it, it was delicious.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Volleyball | Serving

LI: To learn to serve in volleyball

For kiwi sports this week we were learning how to serve underarm and overarm in volleyball. First we got the balls and went over setting. Then we got into 2 groups and chose 1 server. The server had to get the ball over the net and to someone on the other side of the net. If someone catches the ball they go to the other side of the net and becomes a pinch server. After that we had 2 games of volleyball.