Tuesday 22 September 2020

DARE to make a choice

LI: To strengthen our ability to make positive life choices

Today we were doing a program made by the police called D.A.R.E. I created a DLO answering the questions in the DLO above. DARE means Drug Abuse Resistance Education. Something new i learnt was that not all drugs are illegal and bad. Drugs are a chemical/substance that is not water, food or oxygen. Did you know that chocolate, milo, tea and coffee are all drugs?


  1. Hi Azatulah,
    I support the fact that kids all over NZ are going through peer preasure that leads them to drugs. Drugs will then get them addicted or either depressed. If you had the choice of saying yes or no to drugs, what answer would you give?

    Good Job!

    1. Hello Lukah,
      Thank you for your opinion, and its a serious problem that kids are taking drugs because of depression. Answering your question, no I would not take drugs.
