Thursday 24 September 2020

Drug Abuse

LI: To use transitional vocabulary

Below is my explanation. I based my explanation on drug abuse. I talked about why people take drugs and why they cant stop taking them.

A drug is a substance/chemical that is not water, food or oxygen. Some people intend to abuse drugs. They either grow them and sell them on the black market or buy them off the black market and ingest them. Why do people do this you may ask? Well it’s quite simple, people take drugs to escape reality, depression or out of just pure curiosity.

People make foolish decisions like taking drugs in the first place, of course these choices have consequences. Some say, “Why don’t they just stop taking drugs?” Well It’s not that simple, drugs are highly addictive which is why people can’t just ‘stop’ taking drugs. Drugs are as addictive as being addicted to screens! When people take drugs they hallucinate, in other words see visions that aren’t really there. As a result they have barely any control over their body and get into bad situations, luckily the drug effects wear off after a while.

Drugs are extremely harmful to the human body, they change a lot of things about the user taking them such as their appearance and their mental & physical health. Drug overdose makes you exceedingly unhealthy. From 1999 to 2018, over 750,000 people have died due to drug overdose, and this is only in the US!

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