Wednesday 16 December 2020

SLJ Week 1 Activity 4

 LI: To create a piece of insect art

Inspired by art creations by Raku Inoue we went outside and collected leaves, twigs, and other plant debris to create our own insect images. I found it hard to put it together because some of the materials were small and would just move around due to the wind but also enjoyed it because we got to make the bugs using our imaginations and were creative. Did you know that adult beetles have 2 sets of wings and that females beetles usually lay around hundreds or dozens of eggs. By the way beetles only live for around a year!

SLJ Week 1 Activity 3 - Quality Blog Comment

 LI: To post a blog comment on someone else's blog post that starts a rich learning conversation

Leaving a quality blog comment on another  student’s blog helps us make connections to new learning by asking open ended questions that encourage a reply and motivate the blogger to ask their own question in return. This is how a comment thread starts and when that happens we make connections with a wider audience who we can learn with and from.

SLJ Week 1 Activity 2 - Fishy False Teeth

LI: To create our own comic off the images of the story Fishy False Teeth

My comic strip shows the conversation I imagine these two people had after one of the men had sneezed his teeth into the sea during a fishing trip. I found this SLJ activity fun because I had images to work with and already had ideas of what i wanted to do for the story.

Monday 14 December 2020

SLJ Week 1 Activity 1 - Scavenger Hunt with Nano Girl

LI: To collect materials needed to successfully complete our weekly superpower building missions with Nano Girl.

This morning LS2 worked in groups with our Year 4 students to help them create their first Summer Learning Journey blog posts. PBS are still at school this week so finding some of the materials we needed for our treasure hunt was easy. Our challenge is going to be able to find all the materials we need at home now. I found this activity fun because I am looking forward to the other summer learning journey and nano girl experiments.

Friday 11 December 2020

Digital Board Game

 LI: To create a digital board game for the juniors

This week we designed digital board games with a Christmas theme to play with the junior students. To play the game successfully they will need to read and follow the instructions, then use their counting skills to move around the board. Today we showed our Year 4 students how to make their own games. It was fun because we got to bond and give our opinions.

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Operation Christmas Drop

LI: To write a summary of the story behind the Operation Christmas Drop in my own words


The impact OCD causes is powerful because it helps the unfortunate by gifting them items that usually cost money. This helps people from getting sick and feeling sad. For the last 68 years the men and women of the US air force who are based at Andersen Air force Base in Guam. The Anderson Air force have been piloting planes which drop supplies for 60 remote island where people don't have much things.In my opinion I think the idea of Operation Christmas Drop is good because it helps people who don't have lots of supplies can stock up for a bit, give people hope and brings each other in the community together. I really liked learning about this because it reminded me that some people are less fortunate then I am. Something interesting that I found out was that the crates that they drop off the plane weighs around 180 kg which is a lot.

Friday 4 December 2020

Christmas Photo


My friends, Giovanni, Matthew, Karlos, Vayan, Lukah, Ong, Chris and I took a photo by the PBS christmas tree. The tree was designed with decorations sewed by LS2. We went down in friend groups to take pictures.

Maths Project

 LI: learn about probability

Today we have been learning about probability, i worked with chris to create a DLO about the question about Flower Crowns. Above is a DLO presenting how we worked the problem out. Mrs Anderson Helped us to create it.