Wednesday 16 December 2020

SLJ Week 1 Activity 3 - Quality Blog Comment

 LI: To post a blog comment on someone else's blog post that starts a rich learning conversation

Leaving a quality blog comment on another  student’s blog helps us make connections to new learning by asking open ended questions that encourage a reply and motivate the blogger to ask their own question in return. This is how a comment thread starts and when that happens we make connections with a wider audience who we can learn with and from.


  1. Kia Ora Azatulah,

    My name is Shannon and I’m from the Summer Learning Journey.

    What a fantastic comment. I like how you are very positive, giving lots of detail about the things you like. You’re also thoughtful, asking a question. Ka pai!

    I also like how at the end you’ve explained why open ended questions are great for starting conversations!

    I comment on a lot of blog posts and I follow a very similar structure! My favourite part of commenting is asking questions, just like you have! What are some cool questions you could ask about people’s blogs?

    Keep up the great work!

    Ka kite anō,
    Shannon (SLJ)

    1. Salam Shannon,

      Nice to meet you! Thank you for the opinion Shannon. I find it cool how we both have similar commenting structures! My favourite part is also asking questions! Some questions id ask people on their blogs would be why they have chosen that specific topic or how they got the idea!

      Thank you!

