Wednesday, 16 December 2020

SLJ Week 1 Activity 4

 LI: To create a piece of insect art

Inspired by art creations by Raku Inoue we went outside and collected leaves, twigs, and other plant debris to create our own insect images. I found it hard to put it together because some of the materials were small and would just move around due to the wind but also enjoyed it because we got to make the bugs using our imaginations and were creative. Did you know that adult beetles have 2 sets of wings and that females beetles usually lay around hundreds or dozens of eggs. By the way beetles only live for around a year!

SLJ Week 1 Activity 3 - Quality Blog Comment

 LI: To post a blog comment on someone else's blog post that starts a rich learning conversation

Leaving a quality blog comment on another  student’s blog helps us make connections to new learning by asking open ended questions that encourage a reply and motivate the blogger to ask their own question in return. This is how a comment thread starts and when that happens we make connections with a wider audience who we can learn with and from.

SLJ Week 1 Activity 2 - Fishy False Teeth

LI: To create our own comic off the images of the story Fishy False Teeth

My comic strip shows the conversation I imagine these two people had after one of the men had sneezed his teeth into the sea during a fishing trip. I found this SLJ activity fun because I had images to work with and already had ideas of what i wanted to do for the story.

Monday, 14 December 2020

SLJ Week 1 Activity 1 - Scavenger Hunt with Nano Girl

LI: To collect materials needed to successfully complete our weekly superpower building missions with Nano Girl.

This morning LS2 worked in groups with our Year 4 students to help them create their first Summer Learning Journey blog posts. PBS are still at school this week so finding some of the materials we needed for our treasure hunt was easy. Our challenge is going to be able to find all the materials we need at home now. I found this activity fun because I am looking forward to the other summer learning journey and nano girl experiments.

Friday, 11 December 2020

Digital Board Game

 LI: To create a digital board game for the juniors

This week we designed digital board games with a Christmas theme to play with the junior students. To play the game successfully they will need to read and follow the instructions, then use their counting skills to move around the board. Today we showed our Year 4 students how to make their own games. It was fun because we got to bond and give our opinions.

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Operation Christmas Drop

LI: To write a summary of the story behind the Operation Christmas Drop in my own words


The impact OCD causes is powerful because it helps the unfortunate by gifting them items that usually cost money. This helps people from getting sick and feeling sad. For the last 68 years the men and women of the US air force who are based at Andersen Air force Base in Guam. The Anderson Air force have been piloting planes which drop supplies for 60 remote island where people don't have much things.In my opinion I think the idea of Operation Christmas Drop is good because it helps people who don't have lots of supplies can stock up for a bit, give people hope and brings each other in the community together. I really liked learning about this because it reminded me that some people are less fortunate then I am. Something interesting that I found out was that the crates that they drop off the plane weighs around 180 kg which is a lot.

Friday, 4 December 2020

Christmas Photo


My friends, Giovanni, Matthew, Karlos, Vayan, Lukah, Ong, Chris and I took a photo by the PBS christmas tree. The tree was designed with decorations sewed by LS2. We went down in friend groups to take pictures.

Maths Project

 LI: learn about probability

Today we have been learning about probability, i worked with chris to create a DLO about the question about Flower Crowns. Above is a DLO presenting how we worked the problem out. Mrs Anderson Helped us to create it.

Monday, 30 November 2020

Step It Up | Art Challenge

LI: To make a description on the art we have coloured


My base colour for the waves were blue and white to show the emotion of calmness. I made the background a crusty white and light brown blank colour to show it is calm and bland, I used only 3 colours to show the painting is not rushed. I used both dark and light colours to show that the mood changes depending on the time of the day.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Art Colouring Book

LI: To experiment with colours

This morning Room 5 and LS2 tried one of this years Summer Learning Journey activity called Art Colouring Book. The purpose of this task was to experiment with colour from the original palette with pop colours. This allowed us to recolour famous paintings or images of landmarks around the world. Me and my partner Daniel started with colouring a simple picture full of shapes then proceeded to move on to the famous japan landmark, The Wave of Kanagawa.

Monday, 23 November 2020

Te Whanau Raukura Performance

Te Whanau Raukura Performance

The Te Whanau Raukura Kapa Haka group who perform at the Auckland Museum came to our school PBS to perform their group dances and songs. They used Taiaha, Poi Poi and Te Rakau to explain the meaning behind the elements of the Maori culture. The first object, Taiaha is used by men to defend themselves or fight. It is a long sword shaped object with a face doing the pukana to intimidate their enemy and represent the warrior way. The second object is the Poi Poi, back in the day it was used to exercise and support their wrists to improve fighting techniques. Now it is used for dancing. The last and final object is the Te Rakau, it supports and exercises the arm joints. After their performance Becca came to our classroom and taught us how to play pukana. The objective of this game is to trick the others to thinking you did the pukana to them. The actions are, pukana, ohwe and he. You can only do the pukana to the person next to you but the ohwe to people across the room. When someone does an ohwe to you you must say he and lift ur fists up. My favourite part was when we got to watch the group do their haka.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Provocation: Should masks be compulsory on NZ public transport

 LI: To identify and consider the two perspectives of this provocation to help me form an opinion.


A provocation is an action or speech that triggers strong feelings about a topic. Today we considered both sides of the provocation, ‘Should masks be compulsory on NZ public transport?’ We then used that information to help us form an opinion that we could justify with evidence. I personally think that we should make masks mandatory as it keeps us safe and with prevent another lock down happening.

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Weighty Challenge

 LI: To learn about weights


This week for maths we have been learning about weight measurements. Me and my group M.A.D.S have created a slideshow to present how we figured out questions about measurement. My favourite thing about this activity was that we could see how big the lasagna in the question was.

Crimean War

LI: To learn about the charge of the light brigade

In groups of three we created a DLO about Crimean War, we mostly focused on "The Charge of the Light Brigade". We learnt about when the Crimean war took place, where it was fought. The war was fought in Crimea, Peninsula, Russia. The charge of the light brigade was a task force that followed out a false order that lead them to their death. We also used the poem made by Alfred Lord Tennyson to give us a visualization of what might of happened. The story made by Alfred Lord Tennyson is about how the light brigade was ambushed by Russian soldiers. I found interesting they used horses as transport.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot

 LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about


To understand why we celebrate Guy Fawkes each year LS2 buddies up with the juniors. We recorded all the important words from the story Mrs Anderson shared with us on a piece of paper. We then chose the 20 most important words and from those words chose 6 words to help us write our summary. The embed above is what Aarush, Aaliyah and I created.

Friday, 25 September 2020

Highest Common Factor

 LI: To find the Highest Common Factor


For Maths we were learning about the Highest Common Factor. Firstly a factor is a number that times a certain number. So the Highest Common Factor is the highest factor that the two numbers have in common or share. Our task was to explain what a Highest Common Factor was and also to explain what a factor was. In my DLO it also shows an example of what a Highest Common Factor is. 

Lowest Common Multiple

 LI: To find the lowest common multiple


For maths we were learning about the Lowest Common Multiple. Above is a DLO me and my group created to explain what a LCM is. Firstly a multiple is a number that can be divided or times by a certain number. So the Lowest Common Multiple is the lowest multiple the two numbers have in common or share. Our task was to explain what a Lowest Common Multiple was and also to explain what a multiple was. In our DLO it also shows an example of what a Lowest Common Multiple is. 

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Law of Inertia

LI: To strengthen your understanding to forces, gravity and inertia


This week for reading we have been learning about Inertia, the part of science that describes the changes by force, or either being still in rest. Due to force. There are three laws of inertia which are Inertia of Direction, Inertia of Rest and Inertia of Motion. We created a DLO about what Inertia is, and the rules of it. We thought this was really interesting, because we thought it was all just gravity, but there’s more. 

Drug Abuse

LI: To use transitional vocabulary

Below is my explanation. I based my explanation on drug abuse. I talked about why people take drugs and why they cant stop taking them.

A drug is a substance/chemical that is not water, food or oxygen. Some people intend to abuse drugs. They either grow them and sell them on the black market or buy them off the black market and ingest them. Why do people do this you may ask? Well it’s quite simple, people take drugs to escape reality, depression or out of just pure curiosity.

People make foolish decisions like taking drugs in the first place, of course these choices have consequences. Some say, “Why don’t they just stop taking drugs?” Well It’s not that simple, drugs are highly addictive which is why people can’t just ‘stop’ taking drugs. Drugs are as addictive as being addicted to screens! When people take drugs they hallucinate, in other words see visions that aren’t really there. As a result they have barely any control over their body and get into bad situations, luckily the drug effects wear off after a while.

Drugs are extremely harmful to the human body, they change a lot of things about the user taking them such as their appearance and their mental & physical health. Drug overdose makes you exceedingly unhealthy. From 1999 to 2018, over 750,000 people have died due to drug overdose, and this is only in the US!

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

If i were Prime Minister

LI: To think deeply about a change i would make If i were Prime Minister I would make public transport cheaper because i think the amount you need to pay at the moment is too much.

National Party

LI: To decide which political party will get your vote by making an informal choice

To decide which political party I would vote for I read a summary of the policies each party wants to introduce should they win the election and the right to form a government to run NZ. Doing this allowed me to make an informed decision. If I was 18 I would vote for National Party because they can do a lot to make New Zealand better such as providing every student home internet access to continue their education. This means if National Party won the election in my electorate Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi would be our member of parliament and Judith Collins would become the Prime Minister.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

DARE to make a choice

LI: To strengthen our ability to make positive life choices

Today we were doing a program made by the police called D.A.R.E. I created a DLO answering the questions in the DLO above. DARE means Drug Abuse Resistance Education. Something new i learnt was that not all drugs are illegal and bad. Drugs are a chemical/substance that is not water, food or oxygen. Did you know that chocolate, milo, tea and coffee are all drugs?

Friday, 18 September 2020

New Zealand Map

LI: To create a map of the main cities in New Zealand

This week we created DLO's about Maori! We did this because this week is Maori language week. I worked with Giovanni to create the map above. The cities we did were, Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Maori App

LI: To create an app that teaches others about Maori
This week we created DLO's about Maori because this week is Maori Language Week. Above is the DLO me and Giovanni created. Its about Food, Animals, Cities and Days of the Week. This was fun because we got to use our prior knowledge and research. Something fun we added was a rate our app button!


LI: To create a DLO about a Whakatauki you have chosen

This week we created DLO's based of Maori! Above is a DLO me and Giovanni created. Its about a Whakatauki which is a saying. It reflects the values, thoughts and advice from the past generations. Whakatauki's use metaphors to help the readers generate a picture from those words. We chose a Whakatauki that was important to whanau, friends and culture.

Maori History

LI: To create a DLO explaining the history of Maori

This week we created DLO's about Maori! Above is a DLO me and my friend Giovanni created. We were learning about Maori because this week is Maori Language Week. First we researched for information about Maori History and the language. First we used our prior knowledge and then used information we learnt. Something new i learnt was that only around 100,000 can speak Te Reo Maori fluently in Aotearoa. We had fun doing this because we got to research.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Tuakana Teina

Today LS2 helped room 1 and room 2 create art panels. We got black strips of black paper and drew custom patterns with chalk so if we made a mistake we could simply rub it off. When we finsihed our patterns we put glue and put string on. My partner was Elisha.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Biology (Footprint Observations)

LI: To look for evidence in the data/an image and infer what might be happening

This week for science, we were learning about observations. An observation is the action of observing or watching the behaviour of something. We decided to try to guess what happened by reading pictures, or trying to guess what happened by looking at the pictures. We had three different observations to guess. The first one had big prints, and little prints next to each other. We thought and guessed that it was a mother and it's baby. The second one had two different prints, crossing over each other, and the all going around in a circle. We thought they were fighting, or making a home. We finished and all agreed it was a fight, because only the big tracks were coming out, and not the little ones. The last one had the same except they both went into a circle, but didn't leave. We thought they both hurt themselves, or made a house, because the tracks didn't leave, but instead stayed there. We all agreed again, that they stayed the night there, and made a house. this activity was fun.

Biology (MRSCGREN)

LI: To understand the meaning of the acronym 'MRSCGREN'

Above is a slide me and group created to show the meaning of the acronym 'MRSCGREN'. The m stands for movement, r for respiration, s for sensitivity, c for cells, g for growth, r for reproduction, e for excretion, n for nutrition.

Its Cool 2b Me!

LI: To identify my own qualities

This week for cyber smart we created a DLO that identifies your qualities. This was for DARE, dare stands for drug abuse resistance education. Above is the DLO i created, it has information such as qualities i look for in friends, what i wish for, great things about me, my best friends, fun things i like doing, who i want to be, my goals and my favourite foods. There is also a picture of me in the middle.

Family Tree

LI: To create a family tree of your family

Above is my family tree. This was a challenge because i didn't know that much about my ancestors and relatives. This was a challenge from Mrs Pryde. When we finish our family tree we email it to Mrs Pryde and puts our name in the draw for a prize.

Sunflower Painting

LI: To paint a still life of sunflowers in the style of Vincent Van Gogh

Last week we painted sunflowers! The style we based our paintings of was the style of, 'Vincent Van Gogh'. We had to think about the tone, shading, and lighting to make the painting more realistic. We mixed and blended colour to make different shades of the same colour. The colours we used were copper, mustard, yellow, black and white. I used blue to colour the vase. The technique we used to paint was dabbing. To make it look real we only painted in one direction. What i liked most was painting the petals. 

Friday, 4 September 2020

Tech | Science, STEAM, 1

LI: To learn about the topic, 'being a scientist'

This week for tech the year 7s rotated from food tech to science. Our teacher was Mrs Sharma, we talked to her about what we had learnt in class. Mrs Sharma taught us what the science equipment are used for and what they are called. We all got a new book for our information. My favourite fart of the session was when we got to learn about the equipment.